Whoever does not know an owl should befriend one pretty soon.
An owl can be helpful in many ways.
Here's a list I made earlier:
1. They sleep a lot. Quiet pets are the best pets to have, especially if you are away a lot, as they tend not to complain as much if they are quiet.
2. They can fly. Alternatively, if your pet can fly, they won't complain at all if you happen to be away a lot, as they are away a lot as well.
3. They think they are clever. Happiness is what makes the world go round these days, and there's not much else that will make your pet happier than them thinking that they're clever. Applies to humans as well, I think.
4. They entertain you. Owls are talkative. And I mean, talkative. They sleep a lot, which makes them quiet, but the combination of them being away loads and them thinking they're clever makes them very talkative. It's quite funny.
5. They get their own dinner. I just don't know what pets eat.
6. They think battle strategy. If you ever find yourself in a battle, owls are the best friend you can have, because even if they think they're clever when they're not, they have the knack of being right when they think they're right, even if in reality they should be wrong. Very helpful in a battle.
7. They have a way with words. Essentially, they are the dictionary-drivers of the planet.
8. They are direct and to the point. No waffles with owls. They HATE waffles. (But not waffling. This point is a lie and therefore invalid but counts towards the word count so will stay put).
9. They love chocolate. Sometimes, it's just wrong to share chocolate. But if you're owl loves chocolate, it's the best thing that can happen to you (and most owls do, unless they belong to the enemy). It's like having a loyal friend who will drink wine with you and appreciate the nonsense that means you really like what you're drinking.
10. They are night (I'm not including the word 'owls', as that is pretty obvious; it's what they are!). If you love the night, you need an owl. Unless you are one, then you need a human.
So, that is who we are. A girl and her owl. Rabaskah Boo and Otis Burble. Come hang out with us if you don't mind crazy adventures, sleepy wisdom and of course, an occasional nibble of chocolate.
And now, enough wfffle from me. To the blog and beyond!!! (Happy reading)
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