First off, apologies for the previous post. Apparently Otis had been planning a getaway ('getaway from what?' I asked him - 'getaway from youhoo!' he replied), and the message had meant to say this:
Ok, so I hacked into Bekah's account and am planning a getaway. Who's with me???? The ship leaves tomorrow at 6am Greenwich meantime. Report to captain Burble.
Over and out."
I had a quiet word with him and a psychology session on top of that (for him, not for me), and I think we are getting to the bottom of his weird behaviour - the childhood trauma with the bats plays a crucial part in Otis wanting to get away, but because the re-occurrence of bats a few weeks ago was so traumatic, he has blocked out the memory, and now thinks that he hates me. A projection of trauma onto the owner is not uncommon with owls.
So that's Otis.
Now to my trip to Stoke. Plenty happened, and Otis was not there, it was so nice (while I was away, I think he hid in the woods with the pigeons, his new 'buddies').
Anyway, I spent some time with Opium, and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! This is what happened.
We were having our five a day and happened to be in The Glebe, sitting in the corner, overhearing a conversation of some guys talking about what was happening whilst they were shaving - I don't know what happened, we giggled too much - contemplating the fact that it's great how we can lead healthy yet jolly lives as we sipped the grapes that would so graciously prevent us from developing blocked arteries and coronary heart diseases.
It's strange how Opium and I have only just discovered we're twins, we have the same nose and everything! OK, after my nose job they may differ slightly (my brother did a good job, I have to say, though his knuckle marks are still visible, but he said they'd grow away soon), but that's like saying we can;t be twins because we differ by a beauty spot!
It's clear now that we can be nothing but twins, as we often don't speak, just staring at each other, and yet we can communicate mistake free!!!
Like, Opium communicated to me about the fact that wine makes all thongs philosophical, and as we walked back to our abode, I have to say, thongs seemed to have a deeper meaning than usual.
Before we went home completely, we went to the park and watched some stars shoot around a bit, marvelled at their accurate aim, and wondered why they weren't in the olympics. I guess they're just humble.
The rest of my trip isn't really that exciting. I went to a course, met some other amazing people, had a fantastically exciting time before I was shipped off onto the coach back to Wales.
There is one more thing worth noting; my first coach was delayed by an hour, and I was worried that I'd miss my connection, as we were late for its departure. I decided not to worry, as there wasn't much I could do, and just prayed things would work out, whether that meant fixing things if I had missed the connection, or simply just enabling me that silly connection.
And what do you think happened? Pretty much all coaches were delayed by an hour, it was a bank holiday weekend which is what caused the delays I think. Praise the Lord, I had plenty of time before my connection was rescheduled to depart, and I was able to buy myself some lunch!
If there's one thing Otis and I agree on, then it's how awesome our Lord is. In fact, I think he (Otis) is just doing a joy flight outside to His glory! Silly, adorable owl!
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