Tuesday 10 May 2011

Hello world!

Yes, this is entirely written out of procrastination. Whilst the sun is shining beautifully outside, I have to stay indoors (and so does Clatalie), because we have exams or something like that. It’s a painful experience, but we have to go through it and endure our hardships!
Yesterday, Clatalie discovered stumbleupon.com, and the procrastination plan just got more exciting. We love stumbleupon. Whoever invented the page is a genius, and has probably just got very rich over procrastinating Clatalies and Bebekahs without even having to study. Tough life. Clatalie said she’s in an odd mood, but I think it’s just the atmosphere. See, we don’t like procrastinating, but we do it anyway, because there seems to be a magnetic resonance in our house that forces us to do things we don’t really want to do. But we’re not stupid, and we’ve long detected it. We would call someone over, but I don’t think anyone is able to remove this fault. Personally, I’m just happy to let it live here in our house – the more the merrier.
I have to go now, because other procrastinations are calling out to me, like making tea, because it’s important to drink enough when you’re revising for difficult exams.